Morning bi/back workout (when you actually wake up early)!

Do you have trouble waking up in the morning to workout? Yeah, me too. That’s why when I woke up at 6am this morning I took it as a sign that I was supposed to walk over to the complex’s gym for a quick pre-work workout!

Let me back you up with a history of my morning workouts. 

January-March: Went to 5:40/6:15am bootcamp and headed straight to work

March-Now: Hah – people workout that early?

Ever since I started kickboxing, I decided that I didn’t need to double my workouts. Now, I’m deciding that I need to push myself even harder and add more weight training to my daily routine. The morning is a great way to hit the weights in addition to my evening kickboxing/group exercise routine. 

I found the Jamie Eason LiveFit trainer and heard great reviews so I decided to give it a try. For those of you who want to incorporate more weight training in your workouts, here’s what the program has for back/bis on day 2. For each move you will do 3 sets of 12 reps with 1 minute of rest in between. If you don’t have time to complete it in the morning (like I did) – try for 2 sets of 12 – your effort is what counts! :

  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
  • One arm dumbell row
  • seated cable row 
  • Underhand cable pulldowns
  • Dumbell alternative bicep curls (used 10/15 weights)
  • One arm dumbell preacher curl
  • Standing bicep cable curls 

Now I’m refreshed and ready to start my Friday. It’s amazing how a short workout can lift your mood and energize you. I hope you enjoy this workout as much as I did!


Happy friday 🙂



Full Body Workout – Take it to the plate!

If you get off work at 5 – chances are by the time you hit the gym -it’s jam packed with those gym members: the text-on-the-machiners, the heavy grunters and the dumbell hoggers. 

According to my online resources (and experience) the gym is most packed when people get off of work around 5:30-7pm. That’s not so convenient considering I myself get off of work at that time! 

Whenever I find the gym to be very busy, I try to find workouts that require as little equipment as possible. I found this weight plate workout from Men’s Health to be very effective when modeled for females. All you need is a 10-20 lb weight plate and an open space and you’ll tone your whole body in under 20 minutes!

Move 1: Overhead Squat – Press plate overhead and stand in traditional squat position. Stand tall while squatting. That’s one rep. 

Move 2: Plate Swing – Hold the plate in front of your chest with hands on both sides of the plate. Using your waist, thrust weight overhead and back down in front of chest. 

Move 3: Upright Row: Hold plate with both hands in center in front of chest. Your chest is upright. Move plate upward as much as possible (elbows go out) – then lower plate back down. (View video here:

Move 4: Plate press and crunch – get down into a crunch position, knees bent with feet on the ground. Then, crunch while pushing plate up at an angle. (View video here:

Move 5: Around the world shoulders: Hold plate in front of chest, then circle plate in rotations around your head. (View video here:

Have a wonderful day and be well 🙂


6pm – Plan a Gluten-Free, Family-Friendly Sneak Attack (recipe provided)

In the gluten-free kitchen

My younger brothers and sisters had no clue what going “gluten free” meant, and neither did my father – but little did they know, they were getting a delicious taste of what it meant to eat gluten-free when I came home for a weekend visit. I like to think of it as a gluten-free sneak attack – and it’s fairly simple to pull off as long as your dinner entree is savory with a zesty kick. 

Am I a gluten-free eater? No. Have I considered going gluten-free? Yes. From research, I learned that going gluten free may help those with thyroid disorders, celiac disease or sensitive stomachs. However rather than cutting out gluten-filled foods, I learned that I can still reap the benefits simply by limiting my gluten intake and making easy substitutions. 

This lemon chicken, red bean and quinoa recipe is one of those substitutions. I knew my pasta-loving family would enjoy. 

You’ll need:

  • Chicken breast cutlets (I used about 2 lbs)
  • 2 tbs Olive oil
  • Lemon (1)
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp dried mint 
  • Sea Salt (As much as you like)
  • Pepper (A pinch)
  • 2 tbsp Cumin 
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • Quinoa (I bought a box of rice/quinoa mix at Publix)
  • 1 small red onion
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 1 can red pinto beans – salt free preferred


Cook quinoa according to box directions. 

To prepare chicken – Pat the chicken with cumin, mint, paprika, sea salt and pepper. Add about 2 tbsp of olive oil to skillet and add chicken. Squeeze lemon over chicken and cook over medium heat (about 5 min each side). Set aside when chicken is cooked completely. 

lemon chicken

Remove chicken from pan and add more olive oil. Cook the red onion with the garlic until it has a nice brown color.


 Add the pinto beans and quinoa into the mixture when ready. 



When you have a colorful mixture, add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar to add some extra flavor. Pair mixture with chicken and dinner is served! 

I tend to eyeball ingredients when I cook, but if you have any questions on how this was prepared feel free to ask and I’ll give you some tips. I hope you and your family enjoy this delicious gluten-free recipe. 



9pm – Quick but killer arm workout (I’m sick but want to inspire you!)


While resting may seem easy, it’s always been difficult for this on-the-go girl.  So I first of all wanted to thank all of my friends who have kindly reminded me how to slow down, drink fluids and most importantly: stay in bed! While I have taken time out of the gym to heal, I haven’t stopped brainstorming short and effective workouts for you, my followers! Here’s a workout I tested recently and found to be an effective and speedy workout.

This workout will have your arms feeling stronger, leaner and more toned! Start with a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up. Be sure to alternate each strength exercise with a cardio-boosting exercise to increase calorie burn. Not challenged enough? Up the cardio exercises to 1-2 minutes! Be sure to challenge yourself.

How did it go? Be sure to let me know in the comments. PS drink lots of water!



12:30pm WorkOUT Of Comfort Zone (Cool workout provided)


After venturing into many gyms, I learned they all have that one “area” typically far to the back that I like to think of as “Never Ever Land.” It’s the spot where the beefiest of men congregate to pump some iron. All of them have a spotter and grunting is heard whether you want to or not. Can you see it now? Planet Fitness may say they are showcasing “gymtimidation” but I just think of it as general “discomfort.” Who wants to pick up 15-lb weights when the guy next to you us lifting just as much as you weigh?

Last week, however, I learned that this wonderland of heavy weights is the only place where I can truly improve myself. From the smith machine, to the weight bars – If I want to improve myself, I’m going to need to get out of my comfort zone – judgement or not.


I found a 12 week workout program online that forced me to try something new and to be honest, I’m already feeling a difference in my body’s tone. Here’s the workout so you can try it for yourself after work! You’ll feel it in your shoulders, triceps and biceps – I promise.

Bench Press 3×8-12

Bent Over Row 3×8-12

Dumbell Shoulder Press 3×8-12

Lying Tricep Extention 3-8×12

Barbell Curl or Dumbell Curl 3×8-12

It also doesn’t hurt to rock a Deadmau5 shirt at the gym.


PS Reppin’ Deadmau5 at the gym…got a lot of compliments:


6:30 am: A little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That Total Body Workout

Waking up is not easy – or at least it shouldn’t be. However after four weeks of waking up at 5:45 am for bootcamp, sleeping in isn’t easy anymore. My body has found its way into a early bird system…lucky me! Rather than hopping back into bed, I toss and turn until I find my way, restlessly, into the gym at my apartment complex. It’s weird to think that my body can itch for the opportunity to workout when so many are still asleep! Since I have to be at work at 8am, this morning’s gym session would be a quick one. With little to no time for the warm-up run I desire, I designed a personal workout that would start with quick cardio moves followed by a short and effective total body circuit. 

The Warm Up – 

  • 5 minutes on either a treadmill or elliptical
  • 2 minutes alternating jumping jacks and squats
  • 30 seconds pushups
  • 30 seconds high knees

The Circuit – 

Perform each move for 30 seconds with a 10 second break in between exercises. Do three sets. 

  • 360 degree lunges – using 5-10 lb weights, lunge forward, to the right, to the back and to the left. Switch sides. 
  • Squat jumps 

Perform each move for 30 seconds with a 10 second break in between exercises. Do three sets. 

  • Tricep dips off bench
  • Shoulder raises to the front and to the side

Perform each move for 30 seconds with a 10 second break in between exercises. Do three sets. 

  • Russian twists (see here)
  • Toe touches (see here

Perform each move for 30 seconds with a 10 second break in between exercises. Do three sets. 

  • Deadlifts
  • Reverse dumbell fly

Finish It Off – 

  • 1 minute mountain climbers
  • 1 minute toe touches
  • 1 minute mountain climbers
  • 1 minute toe touches
  • 1 minute plank


12:30pm: Do A 10 Minute Victoria’s Secret Angel workout (keeps you on track)!

Today I had what others might call “computeritus.” After sitting at the Macbook  glaring at the ever so interesting spreadsheet, the last thing I wanted to do was sit down during my lunch break.

I found this FitSugar workout over the weekend and decided to give it a shot. It may only be 10 minutes long but it will get your heart rate racing within the first three minutes.

If you’re looking to target trouble zones such as your midsection, this may be a good start. I’m not sold that it’s a model workout, but it’s enjoyable nonetheless.

Give it a try. What do you think?