Full Body Workout – Take it to the plate!

If you get off work at 5 – chances are by the time you hit the gym -it’s jam packed with those gym members: the text-on-the-machiners, the heavy grunters and the dumbell hoggers. 

According to my online resources (and experience) the gym is most packed when people get off of work around 5:30-7pm. That’s not so convenient considering I myself get off of work at that time! 

Whenever I find the gym to be very busy, I try to find workouts that require as little equipment as possible. I found this weight plate workout from Men’s Health to be very effective when modeled for females. All you need is a 10-20 lb weight plate and an open space and you’ll tone your whole body in under 20 minutes!

Move 1: Overhead Squat – Press plate overhead and stand in traditional squat position. Stand tall while squatting. That’s one rep. 

Move 2: Plate Swing – Hold the plate in front of your chest with hands on both sides of the plate. Using your waist, thrust weight overhead and back down in front of chest. 

Move 3: Upright Row: Hold plate with both hands in center in front of chest. Your chest is upright. Move plate upward as much as possible (elbows go out) – then lower plate back down. (View video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8agsN3RfG8

Move 4: Plate press and crunch – get down into a crunch position, knees bent with feet on the ground. Then, crunch while pushing plate up at an angle. (View video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWa3Fri_xiY)

Move 5: Around the world shoulders: Hold plate in front of chest, then circle plate in rotations around your head. (View video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qHUUo3VJ3s)

Have a wonderful day and be well 🙂
