9pm – Quick but killer arm workout (I’m sick but want to inspire you!)


While resting may seem easy, it’s always been difficult for this on-the-go girl.  So I first of all wanted to thank all of my friends who have kindly reminded me how to slow down, drink fluids and most importantly: stay in bed! While I have taken time out of the gym to heal, I haven’t stopped brainstorming short and effective workouts for you, my followers! Here’s a workout I tested recently and found to be an effective and speedy workout.

This workout will have your arms feeling stronger, leaner and more toned! Start with a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up. Be sure to alternate each strength exercise with a cardio-boosting exercise to increase calorie burn. Not challenged enough? Up the cardio exercises to 1-2 minutes! Be sure to challenge yourself.

How did it go? Be sure to let me know in the comments. PS drink lots of water!



7pm Celebrate Earth Day – Bake A Healthy Kale Inspired Recipe

earth day israel jerusalem

Happy Earth Day! As many of you have the environment in mind, I wanted to inspire you with a new green food I recently discovered at the local market: It’s fresh. It’s crunchy, and it’s all the rage with fitspo bloggers and health enthusiasts around the world – kale.

I discovered the new green when I was at the local market. A man took a heaping mound of kale and placed it in his basket when I asked how he would suggest preparing it. He suggested using it for juicing, but has seen others use it as a lettuce alternative in salads since it packs in more nutrients. I thought it was worth a try and took some home myself.

I later learned that kale was not only more nutritious, but it also had the following benefits:

  • It’s high in vitamin K – a necessity for preventing various cancers
  • It’s great for cardiovascular support and can lower cholesterol levels
  • It’s filled with fiber and sulfur and can detox your body and keep your liver healthy

And so much more!

It’s very easy to prepare and add to various dinner dishes. However, this versatile food also makes a great snacking alternative. Kale chips are growing in popularity as a healthy, low-cal alternative to potato chips and other high-carbohydrate snacks.

This Parmesan kale chip recipe from Do It Delicious is easy to make and requires ingredients you probably have sitting around at home. It requires kale, olive oil and Parmesan cheese! Simply place kale on a baking sheet and cover with olive oil, bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes until crisp, let cool, then sprinkle with salt and Parmesan!

kale chips from do it delicious blog

Have you ever made anything with kale? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to hear!


12:30pm WorkOUT Of Comfort Zone (Cool workout provided)


After venturing into many gyms, I learned they all have that one “area” typically far to the back that I like to think of as “Never Ever Land.” It’s the spot where the beefiest of men congregate to pump some iron. All of them have a spotter and grunting is heard whether you want to or not. Can you see it now? Planet Fitness may say they are showcasing “gymtimidation” but I just think of it as general “discomfort.” Who wants to pick up 15-lb weights when the guy next to you us lifting just as much as you weigh?

Last week, however, I learned that this wonderland of heavy weights is the only place where I can truly improve myself. From the smith machine, to the weight bars – If I want to improve myself, I’m going to need to get out of my comfort zone – judgement or not.


I found a 12 week workout program online that forced me to try something new and to be honest, I’m already feeling a difference in my body’s tone. Here’s the workout so you can try it for yourself after work! You’ll feel it in your shoulders, triceps and biceps – I promise.

Bench Press 3×8-12

Bent Over Row 3×8-12

Dumbell Shoulder Press 3×8-12

Lying Tricep Extention 3-8×12

Barbell Curl or Dumbell Curl 3×8-12

It also doesn’t hurt to rock a Deadmau5 shirt at the gym.


PS Reppin’ Deadmau5 at the gym…got a lot of compliments:


7pm: Add some kickboxing plyometrics for faster calorie burn



There’s been a lot of change on this side of town – starting with a new job! Since my last post, I’ve been busy acquainting myself with a new work environment, a new city and new workout routines. I guess you can say I’ve been re-discovering myself in a way and creating new goals for myself. WIth these new goals in mind, I’ve been trying new activities and discovering new hobbies. One of those newfound hobbies – kickboxing.

It’s my new love and my new passion. Not to mention it’s most likely the greatest stress-reliever known to mankind (in my opinion at least). Although I have to say my weight gain has been inching to new heights, I have discovered a drop in body fat percentage as well as an increase power and strength. 

Although the classes are a bit lengthy, I discovered that a large portion of these workout routines consists of plyometric exercises. Plyo consists of powerful, intense movements in a short amount of time. In between kicks and punches – plyo gives us a burst of energy – making the metabolism kick into gear. 

If you don’t have enough time to fit in a full kickboxing routine, adding the same plyometric moves from class can give you a burst of energy and result in a higher calorie burn. 

I challenge you to add the following exercises into your next 10-15 minute workout routine. Simply do one exercise between weight sets for great results!

Add them in and let me know what you think! Keep up the great work 🙂

– Jordana